VESTIMENTARY LOVE - Exploring Design Strategies in Art Education


Exploitation, environmental destruction and overproduction characterize the fashion industry today. How can I use my skills and knowledge as a fashion and textile designer to stimulate effective, long-term social and structural change?


To deal with the challenge of sustainably addressing textile issues at the museum,­ the research project VESTIMENTARY LOVE is exploring new art education strategies to access the historical, social, economic, or environmental messages and implications inscribed into textile artefacts.


In a two-day workshop at the St. Gallen Textile Museum in December 2021, a group of adolescent students was invited to participate in an action research experiment that tested a mix of cognitive and hands-on, design-based teaching formats with the goal of unlocking the hidden transformative potential of the museum's historical lace collection.


Watch the short film documentary on the process here:





DoP / Nora Longatti
Editor / Sophie Blöchlinger
Score / Woros




TEMA – House of Textile Matters
Textilmuseum St. Gallen / Simona Bischof
Swiss Textile Collection / Rosmarie Amacher
Fachschule Viventa Oerlikon / Kristina Kekic & Klasse B3
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK